The Spin Number is. . .

19! (no clue what I’m talking about? Read this)

Which means I’ll be reading Wilkie Collins’ The Woman in White by May 31 and posting a review.

5890.jpgI’ll admit, I was kind of hoping to spin a shorter book. I don’t mind long novels (see: my Classics Club list), but I can’t start reading until I’m finished with the semester on May 10th.  Also its one of the few books on the list I need to buy. Not that this latter is necessarily a problem….

(This is, by the way, the reason for my recent radio silence. I’m reading a lot of classics, but school has devoured all of my time. That will soon change!)

On the other hand, the shortened time limit may help me to sit down and actually finish the book in a timely manner. We’ll see.

Aside from the length, I’m excited to read The Woman in White. I read The Moonstone about six years ago and enjoyed it a lot. I also think The Woman in White will be a good classic to kick-start my summer reading, because although long, it’s a mystery that should be a page-turner (I hope!).

Did you participate in the spin? What are you reading? Or, if not, what’s the next classic you plan to pick up?

Classics Club Spin #20 (my #1)

Hello friends! I emerge from my school-induced blog hibernation to post my Classics Club spin list. If you’re not in the Classics Club (why not? It’s open to all!), the spin list is the 20 books below, selected from my larger Classics Club list. In a few days, the Classics Club moderators will post a number, and I will read the book which is that number on my list and post a review of it by May 31st.

There’s not a huge amount of rationale in this list. I essentially chose ones that I felt like I could read in two weeks, which is about how much time I’ll realistically have. I also only added books I already own or think I can easily find at my local used bookstore.

I don’t know if I’ll participate in every spin, but this one is timed well. My summer TBR is huge, and this will make choosing which classic to read first so much easier. I can’t wait to start digging into my personal reading/reading challenges again. Just a few more weeks!

4/22 Update: #19 has been spun! Looks like I’ll be reading The Woman in White!

The spin list:

  1. The Sound of the Mountain by Yasunari Kawabata
  2. Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
  3. The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot
  4. Troilus and Cressida by Shakespeare
  5. The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith
  6. Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons
  7. Villette by Charlotte Brontë
  8. Aurora Leigh Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  9. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Writings by Washington Irving
  10. Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather
  11. Light in August by William Faulkner
  12. Howard’s End by E.M. Forster (technically a re-read)
  13. Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton
  14. Pilgrim’s Inn by Elizabeth Goudge
  15. The Mabinogion
  16. The Bostonians by Henry James
  17. Histories by Heroditus
  18. Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
  19. The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
  20. Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne